Title insurance is an excellent and simple way to make sure you're protecting your investments, whether it be your home or other properties you may be purchasing. Title insurance is extra protection against something being overlooked, or a claim being made in the future. The title company that provides the insurance will look at the…
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It’s Closing Day: What Can I Expect to Happen?
On your closing day you will have an appointment to sign paperwork. Whether you are the buyer or the seller there are still plenty of papers to sign. You and the other party may sign at the same time, or you may have separate appointments. During your signing a title agent will provide you with…
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Things You Should Know About Title Insurance
Before you select Metro Title & Escrow for property closing and title insurance needs, make sure you understand the details of all you will be receiving. There are several types of title insurance policies you can get, and the coverage you are provided with will be a big part of your peace of mind as…
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Home title theft
Rick Kahler: Can home title thieves can't steal your house? No, they can't. Home title theft. This is a “threat” I only learned about from frantic radio commercials warning that your home can be stolen from you. They claim thieves can deed your property to themselves and then mortgage or even sell it without your…
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